How do you make $51,881.49 in one email? (with no discounts)
Updated: Dec 25, 2022
1. Segment your list
Send to your engaged list and not your entire list. This email is sent to people who opened email more than once (>=2) in the last 30 days.
2. Send time
Our audience is active from 12pm to 2pm and that is when we send these emails. Understand your audience to maximize your open rates. People can’t buy what they don’t see/open.
3. Relevance (Offer)
Our offer was tailored to a festive event that was approaching. Give a reason for people to buy, not simply discounts.
4. Catchy Subject Line
Copywriting skills are as important as your email marketing skills. Make sure your headline is catchy enough for them to open. One trick. include emojis in your subject line to draw the reader’s attention.
5. Rule of ONE
One email should only deliver 1 message. Do not jumble up 3 offers or send 3 messages in one email. If you want, send 3 separate emails.
6. CTA
Please please please include a clear CTA. The one that works best in general? Highlighting benefit. If you’re selling deodorant, use “Smell Fresh Today”. If you’re selling Toothpastes, use “Smile Brighter Today”. Stop just using “Shop Now” for all of your CTA.
All 6 checklists checked? Press Send.